Serving Calgary, Alberta & North America

talonX Creative Agency

talonX Calgary Web Design Agency. The Brand Builders.

We’re pleased to welcome you to our lovely online presence and hope you enjoy your experience as you explore our services and portfolio. If you want to learn more about us, scroll on! Or you can visit our about page. To get in touch, just head on over to find our office location and contact information.

Person walking through hallway at a art show of Katrina Olson

Graphic Design

give the people what they want…

We work with a large variety of digital services including Graphic design and animation design. As a Calgary Marketing Agency , we’re focused on delivering the very best in SEO and ad agency services, as well as branding and print design. As people we care about the little things, the fine details of a successful project and the smell of napalm… er — coffee in the morning. Yes coffee.

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What led us here

coffee and killer robots…

Our creative efforts began in Calgary web design agency, but we soon grew into a comprehensive Calgary Marketing Agency.  These days we’re working on a variety of projects for mid-to-large sized organizations, helping our clients achieve their wildest dreams, goals and fantasies (PG fantasies only please). More recently we’ve expanded into photography, videography and some pretty cool 3D design stuff. We’ve got some plans to get into killer robot manufacturing, but that’s a stretch goal…probably.

Explore our Services

Calgary website design


How we work

powered by good music and bad coffee…

Being Best Web Designers in Calgary we see ourselves not just as creators, but partners with the people we work for. Our job is to understand what’s in someone’s mind, take that idea, mold it, build it, and craft it into a real-life digital presence that exceeds what was originally expected. We combine our web development skills with other services like advertising, animation or SEO best practices. We tinker until the process is complete and then launch the project… after prepping our clients, of course.

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Check Out our Featured Projects

Superior Lodging Corporation

Click Mortgage

Citizen Salon Studios

Partners & Badges


company widget

company widget

Top SEO Calgary Company

Top Logo Design Calgary Company

Top Web Design Calgary Company


Clients we work with

they’re pretty awesome…

We work with a wide variety of people and organizations from all walks of life. The common traits that pull us together is an appreciation for clean, modern and professional design. Whether it be for the web, for print, for a brand or for an ad, we strive to be different. And not different like your weird uncle different, different as in standing out, making a change in your brand, and making your company better.

View our Portfolio

We are here if you need us

like your bestie…

If you want to chat, we do too, seriously! Just pick up the phone and give us a ring. We’ll invite you in for a coffee. If you want to browse over our work and get some ideas about the kinds of projects we’ve been cooking in our studios, just take a quick trip over to our portfolio of creative shenanigans and poke around in there.

TalonX Creative Agency Calgary Web Design