In the past couple of years internet speeds have increased exponentially and browsers have gotten better at supporting HTML5, video […]

Website Preparedness Plan
People get so excited about websites. We get it, we’re in the web design business, we get excited about designing […]

Meet Your Muse
Whether you work in creative field or just dabble with your imagination at some point you may have noticed that […]

Inject Your Brand With Personality
Personality, you have it and your brand needs it. Gone are the days when you could simply put words to […]

Logo Design For Dummies
Ok. The title is misleading. This blog post is not just for dummies. It’s for the people out there who […]

The Importance of Visual Hierarchy in Web Design
Gather ‘round kids, it is story time with talonX. Ok, well, less story time and more blogging time – but […]

Colours to Use in Web Design
I’m feeling blue. He was green with envy. She went red in the face. Colour is not just around us, […]