Month: January 2016 Page 1 of 1


Key Trends to Use in Web Design

Here we will reveal the trends that’ll shape your web design and development to your favour. It’s important to realize that there are many other elements of web design other than the visual aspect. Other less visible components are crucial to the success of a website and most of the trends are new and important. Voice/Sound Voice or sounds in a website or app is definitely something new that we are seeing occur more often. Voice input such as Siri or Google Now let the viewers interact directly with the software and create a new experience. People can ‘talk’ to their devices and use speech to command. With this new aspect, its important for new designs look at how their interfaces will real in existence with the voice or sounds. Voice based experiences can certainly change the outlook on a platform. Security With more and more people online shopping or […]

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Digital vs Print Marketing 02

Digital vs Print Marketing

Being on top of the game in marketing is definitely one of the most important thinks for businesses but how do you know what is the most effective these days? What is the most effective medium to promote your company and keep the sales going? We are going to talk about the differences and evolution of print marketing and digital marketing to see what is more effective. Is print marketing even relevant anymore with all the digital platforms going on? Of course it looks like you’ll be silly to invest in flyers and print media since in this day in age its all about the email and social media marketing right? Well a closer look shows us that it hasn’t really become irrelevant yet. Print marketing still has potential in the area of promotion, something that digital marketing just hasn’t caught up to yet. Physical pieces of marketing are more […]

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Email Banner

Email Marketing

In case you were wondering… email marketing is one of the leading platforms for digital marketing. It’s expected that by the end of this year the total number of worldwide email accounts will be over 4.3 billion. Amazing right? Why is this you ask? – it’s effective and convenient. We are now living in a time where digital devices and communication have become more and more widely used and marketing tactics have used this to their benefit. As a tool, email marketing can be more successful at acquiring new clients than Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and the like. This is because we are so used to and accustomed to filtering out advertisements when we surf our social media. A well-designed email doesn’t seem spammy or just another advertisement. If you can capture the attention of the reader and avoid being deleted, then you’ve got them on the boat. The key to […]

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Colour in Design

Hello first blog post of 2016! We here at talonX design would like to wish you a very happy and successful new year! With 2015 behind us, we are excited and looking forward to see what 2016 has in store for us. Today’s topic will be discussing the importance and effects of colour in design. So why is colour important in design and why should we carefully consider the shade tone and vibrancy of a colour before we choose one? We all know how easy it is to simply choose your favourite colour and move on with the design. But your favourite colour may not compliment the rest of the design. Here are some things to think about when you’re next face with the difficult colour decision. Colour has emotional resonance – this means that when we see a certain colour we have a certain response towards that colour. Be […]

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Dive into January 2016 page 1 of 1 blog at talonX Creative Agency. Our insightful articles cover a range of topics critical to Calgary businesses, including web design, graphic design, branding, SEO marketing, digital marketing, and logo design. Gain valuable tips and strategies to take your brand to the next level, build a strong online presence, and achieve your marketing goals. Want to stay up to date? Check out our latest blog posts for insightful reads!
