Studio: Page 1 of 10


Videography vs Animation

As the world moves faster towards a future basing itself more in technology and communication, it’s important for advertisers to keep with the times. Yesterday’s news is already online today and advertising has to make continuous changes to stay relevant in the online era. With the rise of new media, the internet has made it possible for businesses to widely distribute their ads to anyone who is willing to see, hear or watch them and options such as banners, popups, Flash and email marketing have become commonplace. Businesses are constantly trying to outdo both themselves and their competitors, leading to new and innovative ways to advertise that will appeal to their audiences. As a result, there’s been a surge in new and improved advertising methods in recent years, though none so successful as online video with some of the best possibilities in advertising taking form in videography and animation. While […]

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Polygonal Graphic Design

72 hours is a lot of time. Especially for one project. But that’s what our lead designer, Claudiu Angheloni spent perfecting one, just one, of our profile images in a polygonal graphic design style featured below. From Claudiu’s words: The process is relatively simple, but quite time consuming. The process begins in Illustrator where the entire graphic line network is created (by hand we might mention). Following the design, the entire web is migrated to Photoshop, where the there are vectorized triangles individually made out of each line design path. The result is an image with 9323 individual points which have been converted into 3049 vector triangles. Yes, that’s 9323 points and 3049 triangles. And the result is pretty spectacular… All images are available on the site on our team page and we’re based on the images taken by JM photos in November — the photography work here. We’re thrilled […]

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Happy Holidays from talonX

The talonX team here wishing you the very best over the holidays with one of our oh-so-fun infogaphics about the season. Take a browse and enjoy!

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Logo Design; The Face of your Brand

Within the first few seconds of seeing a logo or brand, people begin to form an opinion about a company. This is reason enough to have a well-designed logo as it can be the main visual element of any company’s over-all brand identity. As current and potential markets grow to recognize, like and trust a specific logo/brand, consumers become inclined to react more favorably to future encounters with the company, which could,consequently lead to possible sales or an improved state of mind. To the general public, a logo is a company’s face. It’s one of the first identifying items people see on any of its product or service offerings, its website or any ad material, and it will give them an idea of what and who the company is. This design therefore should be unique and memorable as it plays a critical role in creating a positive impression on people. Why a Logo Is Important To […]

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talonX Photos via JM Photography

We’re super excited to release some of the high quality work performed by JM Photography (specializing in weddings) on our blog here. Feel free to check out their web design work in our portfolio here: photography website design. We’re gather the rest of the team for our much delayed team photos over the coming weeks!

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The Importance of Web Development in Business

In today’s highly competitive business atmosphere, along with the growing online market, no company can afford to think about making it big without creating its own website. The global client and customer base is simply getting to be so big, it cannot be ignored. A great-looking website, projecting a professional and credible image with easy-to-use features and friendly prompts will draw people to it, to interact, recommend to personal friends and go back to it repeatedly. Many of the big business groups and multi-national corporations would usually have their own internal web development team to meet the needs of their internet marketing. Smaller companies may not have this luxury, but these days it’s not a problem. Many of them outsource their requirements for website development and web design on a contractual basis. A company often discovers a number of web development outfits or some professional qualified website developers with just the right kind of […]

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Dive into Studio's blog at talonX Creative Agency. Their insightful articles cover a range of topics critical to Calgary businesses, including web design, graphic design, branding, SEO marketing, digital marketing, and logo design. Gain valuable tips and strategies to take your brand to the next level, build a strong online presence, and achieve your marketing goals. Want to stay up to date? Check out our latest blog posts for insightful reads! Page 1 of 10.
