talonX at the Anvil Awards

Award Winning Logo Design

talonX at the Anvil Awards

As talonX grows we’ve started to enter into the general design community. This was our first year submitting work for the judgment of someone other than our clients. We opted to include two works not chosen by our clients, but rather that tickled our fancy.

The first was for one of our larger clients, Quintera Drilling and was one of the logos that just clicked for us. A simple, clean, monochromatic logo that blends the letters simply with the purpose of the company.


The second piece was a print advertisement that without a doubt toed the edge of acceptable in the recruiting world… likely one of the reasons a more conservative and professional ad was chosen, but nonetheless was a fun project to work on.

There were a ton of fine entries and the event was incredibly inspiring. We look forward to participating again next year!
