Why Aren't People Seeing My Website?

Why Aren’t People Visiting My Website?

There is a funny idea in the minds of most web design clients – they are under the misguided impression that if we build it, people will come. Unfortunately for excited business owners, getting a new website developed is not like Field of Dreams. We can build an aesthetically pleasing, interactively appealing website that is responsive AF, but if you do not have some sort of plan in place to drive website traffic, people are never going to know about it.

Once a website is designed and launched, many business owners are left scratching their heads wondering how to get people to see their engaging new investment. “How come no one is coming to my website?” is likely the number one question most people ask but cannot seem to answer. We are here to help!

Slow on the Uptake?

Is your website slow to load? You’ve already lost people! The average time people are willing to wait for a site to load is three seconds. Yes, three. The more like Usain Bolt your website is, the more people will want to see what you have to say. If yours is the only website that has what they need, they may be persuaded to stick around, but how likely is it that you are the only one? Shrink down those images, compress that video, and scale back the number of unnecessary pages, that should start bringing your load time down.

SEO Failing you?

Your website may be brand spanking new, but if it wasn’t developed by a modern, professional team then it is entirely possible that your search engine optimization is severely lacking. You want your business (website) listed on the first page of Google and in order to do that, your SEO needs to be on point. If you are in a highly competitive industry, getting on the first page of search engines may be a tall order, but you want to seriously up your SEO game to remain relevant. If your on-page SEO is solid, it could be that your off-page SEO is what is dragging you down.

Where’s the Blog?

It’s 2018, if you don’t have a blog…why? Unless you are a website traffic generating machine or a completely niche business, you should be blogging. Posting content regularly can dramatically increase your findability online. People are constantly throwing their questions out into the void hoping someone can shed light on their problems. Audiences are looking for subject matter experts, in theory that is what you are. You don’t have to be a perfect writer to do it, but you need to get blogging!

Missed the Marketing Boat?

No matter how flawless your website, you still need people to learn about your business to make it there. Getting your word out in front of your target market will send engaged traffic straight to you. Social media, pay per click advertising, and email marketing are all options to get your name out there in the digital landscape.

There are a ton of reasons that people aren’t finding your website, talking to a professional web design firm like our talonX team is a great first step towards diagnosing your problem and finding your solution. Drop us a line and come have a drink, we’ll point you in the right direction!
