Unlocking the optimal balance in advertising

advertising agency calgary

Finding perfect balance when advertising in the digital world

There are several schools of thought with regards to how much to shell out for advertising and marketing. Some believe that advertising should be kept to a minimum so as not to bombard and overwhelm prospective or current clients. Others tend to veer more to the belief that the more your customers and clients see you, the better your company will do. In certain ways both thought systems are right, and in other ways they are both wrong.

There is a fine line between advertising too much or not enough when it comes to exposing your brand to the public. If you overload clients with incessant emails, or spam their Facebook and Instagram feeds with hundreds of useless posts—hundreds may be an exaggeration, but if you have more than say, three a day—you will more than likely turn people off. On the other hand, if you keep your advertising to the bare minimum, no one will even know you exist, or worse, forget you ever existed.

The key is to find the perfect balance between being a constant presence in the world of your target market without overwhelming or underwhelming them. I will warn you though, it is not an easy task, which is why a great advertising agency will be your best tool in the pursuit of the perfect marketing balance.

The first step is to track down where your niche customers eat, sleep and hang out. In other words, do your research and find the best way to reach your target audience without coming off as trying too hard. If your prospective customers are exposed to your advertisement in an environment that propels them to engage, your success rate as a company will skyrocket.

Once you have pinpointed the optimal platforms to reach your target market, the next step is crafting a visually appealing advertisement that excites, engages and call your prospective customers to action. A strong advertising agency will be able to use their creative prowess and the marketing expertise to construct a phenomenal campaign that will create a stir within your market segment.

In this day and age being able to effectively communicate with your ideal customers is where you will get the most bang for your buck. In saying all of this you want to keep in mind that just because you are looking for balance, it shouldn’t mean that you can budget less for advertising. Having strategic placement for your advertising, paired with potent graphics, content and structure will be a game changer for your company, and your budget should reflect that.

At the end of the day, your job is to provide your clients with a product or service that they need. Rising above the clutter and glut of the competition is of the utmost importance, and working with an agency, will be your best bet to coming out on top.

Ready to rock your next campaign, but don’t know where to begin? Give us a call our team of marketing whizzes and design gurus are here to deliver the goods.
