How to Use Instagram Albums

Calgary Instagram Marketing

How to Use Instagram Albums for Good

When popular social sites add features to their platforms, people’s heads explode – it was no different when Instagram launched their albums feature. Instagram’s earliest adopters, the Insta purists, were aghast that people would have the ability to post not just one, but up to ten photos or videos per album. Now that the outcry has dulled and people have had a few months to get used to the new(ish) feature, it seems to be a welcome addition – especially for businesses.

How do you best use Instagram albums on your feed? It all starts with authenticity. Why are we always preaching about authenticity? Because like a stinky blue cheese, your audience can smell businesses that are trying too hard from a mile away. All of your social media posts should be authentic, meaning you don’t post unless you have a reason to, same thing with albums. Don’t take advantage of the albums feature unless you actually have something (or in this case multiple things) to say.

What are some good reasons to use Instagram albums? So glad you asked!

New Products

Carousel images really shine when you have new products to show off and show them off you will. You can take multiple close-up images of a product or you can showcase multiple new arrivals all at once without spamming your followers. It’s a win-win for everyone involved.

Before and After

Before and after shots are an extremely popular method of visual storytelling for all social media marketing. Whether you are a personal trainer showing off the progress your clients made, a renovation company displaying your work, or anything in between, a few pictures are worth a thousand words.

Best Of

These posts tend to be a lot more popular at the end of the year. You know, pictures of the best moments from the past year etc. When picking just one photograph to encapsulate the best of times is nearly impossible you can pick a few and put them in an album!

Behind the Scenes

Behind the scenes storytelling has been in the social media marketing toolbox for a long time, but now it is possible to do it in one post instead of ten. If you are helping to set up an event or your team is having a long brainstorming session going late into the night, an Instagram album is the perfect place to show off your insider status.

Recipes and Food

If you are in the restaurant business or you have a personal brand or blog that often posts recipes, Instagram albums are your best friend! Post step by step instructions and photos of your prowess in the kitchen using the carousel feature. Get people drooling over not just pictures of the finished product, but of every step you took along the way.

Of course, this list is not comprehensive, there are a plethora of reasons to use an Instagram album. But seriously, have an actual reason before you take advantage of the new feature, don’t just use the carousel albums because it’s new. Tutorials, events, team member photos – the storytelling possibilities are endless. Take advantage of albums for all of your social media marketing needs. If you aren’t super comfortable navigating this world, feel free to get in touch and have a chat about what we can do for you!
