Invasion of the Invitations


Invasion of the Invitations

When it comes to invitations, we think it’s safe to say that by and large, they’re pretty much useless after the event is over. That’s not to say that the power of a good invite is something to be taken lightly. In fact, despite their short lifespan, invitations are something that we continue to invest our energies in time and time again. Like with any design undertaking, the first point of sale is to be engaging and as we know there are a number of ways we can accomplish this, the million dollar question is, which is the best option?

Having completed yet another successful year of the Stampede as well as being in the prime of summer, there are no shortage of invitations being created in our little workshop. As a result, we’ve developed a keen awareness of the changes occurring in the world of invitations in order to accommodate the digital era. Taking advantage of social media, digital marketing and sharing tendencies, we’re not afraid to toot our own horn when we say that our invitations have gotten a new lease on life and we’d like to introduce you to some of our favorites.

talonX Stampede Card

Cowboy-04-AnimationOur very own Ori made an appearance in our celebratory Stampede card for 2015, and if there isn’t a cowboy, does it really speak Stampede? This was our thought when we created it, catering to the cowboy culture of the greatest outdoor show on earth with a little talonX twist. And in our social media and gif centric world, a little animation goes a long way for engagement and appreciation. Pow pow!

Black Spruce Stampede Party


If you haven’t been affected by the oil crisis and dwindling economy, you’re a lucky duck; on the other hand if you’re like our clients Black Spruce Merchant Capital, who work directly within the industry, these are grim times indeed. But that doesn’t mean you can’t make the best of it! For Black Spruce’s own Stampede party invite, they’ve taken an optimistic, tongue in cheek approach to combat the direness of the situation; with a tagline that lends itself both to the tequila bar in attendance as well as their defiant attitude in the face of economic strife. The graphic design piece above reflected it in simplicity.

ABB Stampede Party


Yet another Stampede invite for the books, because hey, tis the season! We’re strong believers that animation is the way to go in most ventures, especially when it comes to digital invitations. We think this invite speaks for itself when we say it’s pretty badass.

Pajak Golf Tourney

Headline_ribbon_and_land_graphics_bg_4 (1)

Last but not least is one of our most favorite invites of the summer season thus far. For their annual golf tournament, Pajak Engineering asked for a nice, relevant graphic they could include in their email invite. Just another way of making standard email invitations that much more inviting (through kick ass graphic design), and there’s no way around it, the result is just plain delightful. With a stylized golf setting that incorporates the Pajak profession with a miniature oil rig, it elicits perfect visions of summertime golfing, drinking and general merriness. We’ll say it again, a good invite goes a long way and since there are still a few months left on the RSVP for this one, we wish Pajak the best turnout come September.
