Blog: Page 18 of 30

Dive into talonX Creative Agency’s Calgary Web Design Blog. Our insightful articles cover a range of topics critical to Calgary businesses, including web design, graphic design, branding, SEO marketing, digital marketing, and logo design. Gain valuable tips and strategies to take your brand to the next level, build a strong online presence, and achieve your marketing goals.

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Connecting in the Time of Social Media

Connect. Let’s just think about this word for a moment. When you think about it, doesn’t it form the basis of everything humankind does? As it turns out, the Oxford dictionary defines “connect” as bringing objects together or into contact with one another so that a real or notional link is established. The resulting link formed can be a powerful force, like in the past where it formed the basis for an entire nation’s claim on another piece of territory. Nowadays, it forms the bond between friends, lovers and businesses. It was traditional for two or more people interacting to meet personally, talk face to face and display emotions felt in that moment of time. However, with the rise of technology and the assistance of phone calls, text messages and eventually, social media, this interaction has been reduced and it’s become easier and faster to interact than ever before and […]

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Invasion of the Invitations

When it comes to invitations, we think it’s safe to say that by and large, they’re pretty much useless after the event is over. That’s not to say that the power of a good invite is something to be taken lightly. In fact, despite their short lifespan, invitations are something that we continue to invest our energies in time and time again. Like with any design undertaking, the first point of sale is to be engaging and as we know there are a number of ways we can accomplish this, the million dollar question is, which is the best option? Having completed yet another successful year of the Stampede as well as being in the prime of summer, there are no shortage of invitations being created in our little workshop. As a result, we’ve developed a keen awareness of the changes occurring in the world of invitations in order to […]

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talonX Newsy Pieces for July

For those of you who are frequent visitors to the site, you might have noticed our recent makeover. We’re a little behind on the update (fashionably late we prefer to call it) but figured a blog post was due to give the new digs the attention it deserves. First, a shout out to our talented developers and designers for our brand new homepage! We’ve introduce a snazzy background video of our work into the mix, and if you’re lucky you’ve probably had a glimpse of our preening bird, who has some news of his own… Yes, it’s official folks, the little origami birdy we’ve all come to know and love has FINALLY been christened! By unanimous vote we’d like to officially introduce Ori to the world. Say hi Ori! In other news, our roster of services has expanded and we’re bigger, badder and radder than ever before. Check out our […]

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Canada’s Day 01

Happy Canada Day Eh?

Happy Canada Day! We’re breaking out the bubbly and raising a glass to the fine country we have the pleasure to call home! Props to our graphic design guru Claudiu Angheloni for sharing the Canada love and creating this awesome graphic in celebration.

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The Power of Perfect Packaging

For most businesses, package design is the cherry on top of any branding venture. As one of the most direct forms of interaction your audience will have with your brand, packaging design should not only be practical but also a good representation of who you are as a business. It should help to enforce your company message and ideals and be representative of your audience and what they appreciate in terms of lifestyle and aesthetics. Discovering Your Brand Identity Identity is different than being just a brand or a logo, in fact it extends far beyond that, and understanding the brand identity will make any design undertaking that much easier to define. In most cases, it’s comprised of many visual aspects, including the logo but also web design, marketing collateral, the shop itself and of course, packaging. All of these things that represent the brand from a visual standpoint typically […]

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Combining Fonts 101

It’s an age-old battle: combining typefaces has been the bane of designers’ existence for more years than we care to admit, where success can be complicated and failure lurks around every corner and kern. Adding to the challenge is the fact that there’s usually no right or wrong answer; but when you do succeed, not only do you win bragging rights for beating a design equivalent Boss Level, your font pairing will be the gift that keeps giving and undoubtedly will help bring your design together as a whole whether you’re creating a kick ass website design, a stand out logo or just some cool graphic design items for fun. Like with most undertakings, you first have to understand the rules. While design has a tendency to bend, break or completely ignore rules, when it comes to mixing fonts there are a few important factors to keep in mind. The […]

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10 Years of YouTube & Examining the Best in Advertising

Remember when Youtube didn’t have any ads? Well if you do, here’s another fun fact to make you feel extra good about your age: it’s been 10 years since the introduction of Youtube itself. As a birthday celebration, Youtube has launched a new campaign recognizing the role advertising has played in the site’s growth, especially considering that out of the top 10 most viewed videos of 2014, four of those were advertisements. This got us thinking, what exactly makes a great ad? Not all fantastic marketing campaigns come from great ad agencies. Picking from some of the top advertisements hashing it out for best of the best, we’ve broken it down into one-word answers (followed by some insight of course). Humor – The Man Your Man Could Smell Like (Old Spice) One of our personal favorites is Old Spice’s “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like” and its subsequent trail […]

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