Social Media and Marketing

Social Media Marketing Calgary

Social Media and Marketing

How does social media affect marketing nowadays? How do we successfully market in a digital era? Nowadays when people spend most of their time attached to a device connected to the Internet, you can’t expect marketers not to catch on and use it to their advantage. The digital world has pretty much changed all of our lives and allowed for a platform of marketing.




You could say social media is a kind of addiction. I mean having the ability to be connected to anyone, anywhere, and at all times is pretty amazing. Marketers have targeted it as the best place for advertisement. But why not? When Facebook has 1.49 billion users monthly, and Twitter and Instagram with 300 million.

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So how do you go about being successful in the new age of social interaction? Social media isn’t just a popularity contest; it’s about making a memorable experience and putting up sharable, entertaining, and informative information for viewers.



Video and animations is a way to captivate attention and leave an impression – it tingles the senses. Videos have proven to be more effective and empower people to share if it was enjoyable or resonated with the viewer. That is why YouTube is the second largest search engine. I mean why would you read a DIY when you could watch it? Videos demand consumer attention.

Increase Brand Awareness

Social media platforms have its perks: internal data collection. It has the ability to collect user data on visits to certain pages and therefore is a valuable tool targeting consumers based on interests. These platforms are the easiest way of introducing people and creating engagement to a brand. Having brand engagement allows for a lasting impression of the brand and a reason to come back.

Legitimizing Your Brand

Having a social presence is important, especially in this age when everything is typed into Google. People Google you when they know nothing about you so it’s important to create a good first impression. A Facebook or twitter page shows that you exist and comments and interactions with others give a realistic background and reassures clients on the authenticity of your company. That being said, the content posted on social media should be curated to your brand identity.

Improve Customer Service

Remember the days spent waiting on the telephone for half a day just to talk to someone about a problem with the product? Well social media has completely changed that. With online chats and comments left on sites; even Facebook and Instagram, customers are getting replies faster and able to help others in the communities. Interactive apps like the Ikea Catalog app that lets you create shopping lists, browse products, and have a 3D virtual experience help engage customers and create an interesting experience in furniture shopping. This makes the customers feel more connected to the brand, as if they were valued consumers. And this feeling is very important for customer loyalty to build a bigger consumer market.
