Create a Sensational Brand with Stellar Graphic Design

Great Calgary Graphic Design

Create a Sensational Brand with Stellar Graphic Design

In order to stand out and make a lasting impression on your potential and future clients, you have to create a brand that reaches out and grabs them. It may not be rocket science but there is a lot that goes into developing an epic, lasting brand that draws people in.

It goes without saying that your brand, logo, and website need to accurately represent you and your company’s authentic, unique voice and vision. There are several elements that can easily backfire when building a remarkable brand if not carefully curated and constructed.

One aspect often taken for granted is the font you choose. Choosing the wrong font can take your logo from a ‘force to be reckoned with’ to a ‘hot mess’, faster than you can say ‘whoops.’ When someone stumbles upon or even takes the time to look at your logo, they are judging it, whether that judgment evokes trust, excitement and desire or repulsion, scepticism and plain old laughter, is up to you.

Before you begin to panic, and mentally run through an itemized list of every font choice you have ever made, there is a fairly simple foolproof way of preventing this kind of catastrophe. A professional and talented Graphic Designer can guide you into making the right decision on font style, size, texture, and colour. Their guidance will be able to help you avoid branding that slides into a pile of regret and offers give that special, getting something that puts you ahead of the competition instead.

Now you want to stand out, who doesn’t? You also want to be on trend and create a website and logo that appeals to what people want to see now. So, you see what other people are doing, what is popular and try to replicate it. Sounds like a great idea! The only problem is that trends change and trying to replicate something just because it seems to have worked for another company is a very dangerous idea.

Aside from the obvious issue of looking too much like another successful brand, creating something that is too on trend can also be a fatal diagnosis for your company. Trends change, as fast, if not faster, than days go by, so if you cultivate a logo that is overly trendy it could become yesterday’s news before it even had a chance introduce itself to the world. Secondly, stealing another company’s style or even just trying to emulate it is inauthentic and your potential clients will notice. Someone else’s logo, web design or colour palette will not necessarily speak to the unique voice of your company. In order to build something that is current, relevant and authentic, you need to work with a professional graphic designer to find a distinctive, trend-worthy logo, website and brand to genuinely express who you are.

Take a minute to get an idea of how you want to introduce yourself and/or your company to the world, think about what feelings and reactions you want to convey, then start brainstorming with a designer who will bring your brilliant vision to life!

The best part is you don’t need to look far to find one of these rare talents. Give us a call or shoot us an email and we will take you under our wings.
