talonX Partners Live

orange hair team up

talonX Partners Live

So we’ve been silently… and not so silently working with some wicked service providers that make our work shine and our lives a whole lot easier. With numerous client requests for ancillary services and inquiries into how we run our business (beer is involved), we’ve elected to create a partner page. This webpage houses some of favourite and preferred service providers for areas such as print media, VPS hosting and online accounting / bookkeeping. As we grow we intend to take on more partners and the ones we love the most join this wall of fame.

We’ve made a special note to include those we work with most and will only be sharing providers who we feel can deliver the quality, service and overall value that our clients can really gain something from. If you’d like to know our history with any of these companies, just ask.

For those interested in seeing who’s already made the cut, check out this button below:

Who's Involved
