Videos are the Future of Content Marketing


Videos are the Future of Content Marketing

It’s easy to see that online videos have worked its way into being the top most effective method of marketing. As long and short videos populate the interwebs, the potential reach from videos is increasing and that makes it an ideal platform to market on. Not only is the audience vast but also the content is attractive.

It’s no doubt that video marketing is the future of content marketing. Videos engage viewers and encourage them to spend time on your website interacting with the brand. They are naturally appealing and present content seamlessly. Just as a painting can paint a thousand words, a minute of video is worth much more in addition to the impression it leaves.

Over the recent years the production cost of videos has decreased and the amount of affordable equipment has allowed small businesses to delve into video marketing. Just as any other method of marketing, the audience should be considered and the video should be catered towards a certain consumer base. In addition the style, music and overall creativity of the video should be carefully contemplated to be in sync with the brand identity of the company.

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It should not be forgotten that videos might differ across platforms. Apps such as instagram support short videos that leave impressions on consumers while YouTube and Vine allow for a deeper exploration of content. It is important to consider the type of social media, what it supports, and what users are looking for in each platform. Video customization will help the success and impact of these videos. In order to make a video reach it’s full potential, it must be easy to find and share. Don’t overlook mobiles platforms either because almost a tenth of all video viewing occurs on a mobile device.


Here are some types of videos to consider approaching: Tutorials and tips will attract consumers to come back and can be built in a series. Consumer generated content is a good way to connect the customers with other customers providing genuine reactions to products that will generate a response. Short interesting clips demonstrating the product or brand will capture attention and including a call to action is important in all videos to reiterate the purpose of the video.

With the benefits of videography, it’s no doubt that video marketing should be utilized and is a powerful tool in marketing. Used in conjunction with other forms of marketing, videography is changing the advertising industry and bringing customers closer to companies.


Feature image by Linx Communications.
