Calgary Logo Design Tag: Page 1 of 1


Colour in Design

Hello first blog post of 2016! We here at talonX design would like to wish you a very happy and successful new year! With 2015 behind us, we are excited and looking forward to see what 2016 has in store for us. Today’s topic will be discussing the importance and effects of colour in design. So why is colour important in design and why should we carefully consider the shade tone and vibrancy of a colour before we choose one? We all know how easy it is to simply choose your favourite colour and move on with the design. But your favourite colour may not compliment the rest of the design. Here are some things to think about when you’re next face with the difficult colour decision. Colour has emotional resonance – this means that when we see a certain colour we have a certain response towards that colour. Be […]

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Logo Design; The Face of your Brand

Within the first few seconds of seeing a logo or brand, people begin to form an opinion about a company. This is reason enough to have a well-designed logo as it can be the main visual element of any company’s over-all brand identity. As current and potential markets grow to recognize, like and trust a specific logo/brand, consumers become inclined to react more favorably to future encounters with the company, which could,consequently lead to possible sales or an improved state of mind. To the general public, a logo is a company’s face. It’s one of the first identifying items people see on any of its product or service offerings, its website or any ad material, and it will give them an idea of what and who the company is. This design therefore should be unique and memorable as it plays a critical role in creating a positive impression on people. Why a Logo Is Important To […]

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