Online Marketing Tag: Page 1 of 2

Business Marketing Plan

Making a Memorable Brand

In this day in age, brands are everywhere from a logo to a specific style or design, its hard not to blend in with the rest. Now when we speak of a brand we are not talking about a logo. A brand is not a label or graphic, it is more than that. It’s the idea, theory and innate soul, of the company. A logo on the other hand is the graphical element that depicts this and communicates the brand visually. It’s the first impression you get with a brand. In other words you could think of the brand as a rounded and dimensional person and the logo as something that represents this person. Here are some things to think about when creating a successful brand identity. Colour Colour is something that sticks with you and is something that many brands use to make themselves memorable. Colours evoke feelings and […]

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Social Media Marketing Calgary

Social Media and Marketing

How does social media affect marketing nowadays? How do we successfully market in a digital era? Nowadays when people spend most of their time attached to a device connected to the Internet, you can’t expect marketers not to catch on and use it to their advantage. The digital world has pretty much changed all of our lives and allowed for a platform of marketing.     You could say social media is a kind of addiction. I mean having the ability to be connected to anyone, anywhere, and at all times is pretty amazing. Marketers have targeted it as the best place for advertisement. But why not? When Facebook has 1.49 billion users monthly, and Twitter and Instagram with 300 million. So how do you go about being successful in the new age of social interaction? Social media isn’t just a popularity contest; it’s about making a memorable experience and […]

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10 Years of YouTube & Examining the Best in Advertising

Remember when Youtube didn’t have any ads? Well if you do, here’s another fun fact to make you feel extra good about your age: it’s been 10 years since the introduction of Youtube itself. As a birthday celebration, Youtube has launched a new campaign recognizing the role advertising has played in the site’s growth, especially considering that out of the top 10 most viewed videos of 2014, four of those were advertisements. This got us thinking, what exactly makes a great ad? Not all fantastic marketing campaigns come from great ad agencies. Picking from some of the top advertisements hashing it out for best of the best, we’ve broken it down into one-word answers (followed by some insight of course). Humor – The Man Your Man Could Smell Like (Old Spice) One of our personal favorites is Old Spice’s “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like” and its subsequent trail […]

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How to be a Hero at the Infographic

As people and technology have evolved, so has our means of communication, both verbally and visually. The average person is exposed to the equivalent of 174 newspapers full of text each day, but with more than half the population (65% to be exact) being visual learners, obviously this leaves something wanting. Enter infographics! From the first cave paintings to the first use of bar graphs and pie charts in the 1800’s to our the modern day hybrid of graphic art and data; for centuries infographics have been used as a means to educate, persuade and inspire curiosity. In terms of using an infographic as a marketing tool, studies show that visuals are processed 60,000 times faster in the brain than text and that most people only remember 20% of what they read. Not only that, publishers who use infographics found a 12% increase in traffic as compared to those who […]

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An Introduction to SEO

SEO or Search Engine Optimization has done a fine job of making itself a standard tool in the world of online marketing, and rightfully so. As digitally oriented people and with Google being one of the most visited sites in the world, it’s clear that search engines are the bread and butter of any marketing venture. We’ve previously discussed the importance of ranking high on search engines, but with everyone already so well educated on the value and methods of marketing themselves online, it’s become a rat’s race of sorts to get to the top (or at least on the first page). This is where SEO comes in and with a little friendly guidance on optimizing your site to the best of its ability it’s a sure shot to search engine success. Content is King We’re more than familiar with these words by now and when it comes to SEO […]

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orange hair team up

talonX Partners Live

So we’ve been silently… and not so silently working with some wicked service providers that make our work shine and our lives a whole lot easier. With numerous client requests for ancillary services and inquiries into how we run our business (beer is involved), we’ve elected to create a partner page. This webpage houses some of favourite and preferred service providers for areas such as print media, VPS hosting and online accounting / bookkeeping. As we grow we intend to take on more partners and the ones we love the most join this wall of fame. We’ve made a special note to include those we work with most and will only be sharing providers who we feel can deliver the quality, service and overall value that our clients can really gain something from. If you’d like to know our history with any of these companies, just ask. For those interested […]

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How Branding Transforms your Business

In a way it’s true what most brand managers will tell you. People don’t actually buy products. They buy brands. They buy brands because they have a deep-seated connection to it or because it represents something positive to them. If you presented two identical items, (same specifications, same quality, same price tag, same everything) … to an average shopper … and you placed any brand on one of the 2 items and left one unbranded, ., 9 times out of 10, the shopper will pick the branded item. Branding makes all the difference. That is why branding is critical to a company or its products. Branding is not so much about the product’s physical or material make-up. It’s about what a brand means to a consumer. Products will come and go. Brands will live on. We take pride in describing Calgary branding as a passionate drive to make consumers not […]

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