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Extra! Extra! Google Launches Mobile Algorithm Update

Google is no stranger to algorithm updates with a long history that has contributed to its rise and current status as a search engine powerhouse. With this in mind, it’s no surprise that given our current mobile focused way of life, it was only a matter of time before Google pounced on creating an algorithm for optimized mobile search. Nonetheless, the announcement had the interwebs abuzz, primarily from a business standpoint. From a consumer perspective it sounds like a great opportunity, but what does it mean for businesses? To provide a bit of background, in 2014 research showed that 30% of internet searches came from a mobile device and since then, that number has increased to over 60%. As a result, Google naturally decided it was time for an update as a means of accommodate the masses. Having already launched 3 days ago (we’re a little late on the mark), […]

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Web Design Trends for 2015

Mobility is the way of the future and having our little pocket computers in hand is better than a security blanket and nothing says comfort quite like a well designed website. As the web continues to grow from a technological standpoint, so too has it in terms of design. Having become more advanced and in tune with our societal wants, needs and visual stimuli, new techniques in web design are being introduced in order to keep up and ahead of the game. With this in mind, we can only imagine what might be in store for the future. So looking ahead at trends for 2015 we can only assume that this year, the best is still yet to come. Responsive or Bust While responsive design isn’t necessarily a new concept, in recent years it’s made a name for itself as being the new industry standard for web design in general […]

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