Search Engine Optimization Tag: Page 1 of 2

Business Marketing Plan

Making a Memorable Brand

In this day in age, brands are everywhere from a logo to a specific style or design, its hard not to blend in with the rest. Now when we speak of a brand we are not talking about a logo. A brand is not a label or graphic, it is more than that. It’s the idea, theory and innate soul, of the company. A logo on the other hand is the graphical element that depicts this and communicates the brand visually. It’s the first impression you get with a brand. In other words you could think of the brand as a rounded and dimensional person and the logo as something that represents this person. Here are some things to think about when creating a successful brand identity. Colour Colour is something that sticks with you and is something that many brands use to make themselves memorable. Colours evoke feelings and […]

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Social Media Marketing Calgary

Social Media and Marketing

How does social media affect marketing nowadays? How do we successfully market in a digital era? Nowadays when people spend most of their time attached to a device connected to the Internet, you can’t expect marketers not to catch on and use it to their advantage. The digital world has pretty much changed all of our lives and allowed for a platform of marketing.     You could say social media is a kind of addiction. I mean having the ability to be connected to anyone, anywhere, and at all times is pretty amazing. Marketers have targeted it as the best place for advertisement. But why not? When Facebook has 1.49 billion users monthly, and Twitter and Instagram with 300 million. So how do you go about being successful in the new age of social interaction? Social media isn’t just a popularity contest; it’s about making a memorable experience and […]

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A Brief Overview of SEO

SEO; it might sound like a fancy executive position in a company or maybe even a high tech, sci-fi piece of equipment, but SEO has quickly become the foundation for a multi-billion dollar industry that is growing rapidly by the second and revolutionizing personal customer experience on all electronic platforms. Standing for Search Engine Optimization, SEO is a powerful tool that is a must for any digital marketing pursuit. Exactly as it sounds, SEO focuses on optimizing sites for search engines as a means to gain organic, audience-driven traffic. Websites rely on SEO tactics in order to boost their ranking on search pages and ultimately their business, because let’s face it, unless your site is on the first few pages you haven’t a hope of being noticed. With SEO, here are a number of ways to achieve a higher ranking, one being the relevance of the site to the search […]

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An Introduction to SEO

SEO or Search Engine Optimization has done a fine job of making itself a standard tool in the world of online marketing, and rightfully so. As digitally oriented people and with Google being one of the most visited sites in the world, it’s clear that search engines are the bread and butter of any marketing venture. We’ve previously discussed the importance of ranking high on search engines, but with everyone already so well educated on the value and methods of marketing themselves online, it’s become a rat’s race of sorts to get to the top (or at least on the first page). This is where SEO comes in and with a little friendly guidance on optimizing your site to the best of its ability it’s a sure shot to search engine success. Content is King We’re more than familiar with these words by now and when it comes to SEO […]

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The Importance of Web Development in Business

In today’s highly competitive business atmosphere, along with the growing online market, no company can afford to think about making it big without creating its own website. The global client and customer base is simply getting to be so big, it cannot be ignored. A great-looking website, projecting a professional and credible image with easy-to-use features and friendly prompts will draw people to it, to interact, recommend to personal friends and go back to it repeatedly. Many of the big business groups and multi-national corporations would usually have their own internal web development team to meet the needs of their internet marketing. Smaller companies may not have this luxury, but these days it’s not a problem. Many of them outsource their requirements for website development and web design on a contractual basis. A company often discovers a number of web development outfits or some professional qualified website developers with just the right kind of […]

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How Branding Transforms your Business

In a way it’s true what most brand managers will tell you. People don’t actually buy products. They buy brands. They buy brands because they have a deep-seated connection to it or because it represents something positive to them. If you presented two identical items, (same specifications, same quality, same price tag, same everything) … to an average shopper … and you placed any brand on one of the 2 items and left one unbranded, ., 9 times out of 10, the shopper will pick the branded item. Branding makes all the difference. That is why branding is critical to a company or its products. Branding is not so much about the product’s physical or material make-up. It’s about what a brand means to a consumer. Products will come and go. Brands will live on. We take pride in describing Calgary branding as a passionate drive to make consumers not […]

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Web Content Generation

Learning Why Creating Great Web Content Will Boost Your SEO Rankings Conventional wisdom says that if one wants to be read, one’s headline or story title better be striking enough to attract the reader. This is so true in the development of content for a company’s web or blog site. If an article has original content, search engines will most likely be able to help get more exposures for the site. It is Google’s way of rewarding websites which contain subjects that are original. So with unsullied content, not only will your website be better, its rankings in search engines will also be boosted. It therefore makes sense not to take content generation lightly. It sometimes can be difficult, but the really good content writers will demand some time for research and smart writing. Proven Tips for Developing Great Web Content What follows are some guidelines that have been proven […]

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