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Quick and Easy! Tips to Help Boost Your Social Video Game

Social Media video. Did those words make your heart rate increase with anticipation or dread? If the very thought of video on social media makes your palms sweaty, don’t worry. You can stop stressing out now. Smartphones have made video content a lot more accessible to the average business and marketer. You don’t have to have Coca-Cola’s ad budget to create a compelling video anymore, you just need a little heart, a little can-do attitude and this list! Give It Some Thought Those viral videos of someone getting cracked in the nether regions with a football are shot without a plan, but that doesn’t mean great video storytelling can be told without one. Go into content capturing with a plan and not only will you save time, energy and money, but you will also come out with a more engaging story. Write down your vision frame by frame and if […]

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