Web Design Tag: Page 1 of 2

Responsive Websites Win The Search Engine Game

By using responsive design, you will save your customers time, make your website user-friendly for smartphones, improve your search engine rankings, and increase the time customers spend on your product. Additionally, responsive design helps to create a consistent experience across multiple devices, which leads to improved customer satisfaction. It also reduces development and maintenance costs associated with creating multiple versions of the same website. Good web design also boosts conversion rates and improves user experience. It ensures that customers can access your website from any device, making it easier to find the information they need quickly and efficiently. Why You Should Have A Responsive Website A responsive website is ranked highest by Google’s new algorithm. Is your mobile website up-to-date? Make sure your business website doesn’t get left behind. Stay ahead of the trend by optimizing your mobile site. Make certain that your website is mobile friendly and works well […]

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2015 Design Trends 01

2015 Design Trends

2015 has been a year of interesting changes and progressions in graphic design and website design. Here are some trends that we have picked up on: 1) One of the biggest trends going around is to have an interesting image as a background for the website page. With the variety of stock photos and amazing photography available nowadays, there’s bound to be a perfect fit. These images convey the tone and give a first impression for the website. Usually this is paired with a typeface and unobtrusive graphics to match. The photo is really the main focus and attraction piece for setting the reader in a certain mood and mindset for the rest of the site. 2) Just like how a photo can convey messages, a video can too. Now we are seeing many front pages with beautiful videos of what a company does. The key is to let the […]

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Recognized as Canada’s Top Web Designers by Clutch!

We’ve been labeled as Canada’s Top Web Designers! at Clutch a research and review firm that identifies top services and software firms in the marketing and technology industry.  We are so proud that our hard work is being recognized and it feels great to be awarded!  

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Corporate Branding

News and Updates!

Hello We would like to update you on some new things happening on our end! Some exciting news is that we have moved to a new office and added a new member to the crew! Her name is Bonnie and she’ll be doing marketing and design with us. Head over to the about page to see all of us! We’ve also gotten a fancy new plaque, planted a terrarium, got a ray-gun lamp, and some sparkling crystal for our bar cart. We recently sent out a newsletter on all the new happenings. If you want to join too, subscribe! This month we have been super busy with the Chef to Be event and that turned out amazing and better than we expected. The food was unique and definitely a cutthroat competition. It was a tough decision to announce the winners for the night. The cool awards made by our friends […]

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Marketing company Calgary

6 Simple Rules for Social Media Marketing

There’s no argument that social media is crucial to a business these days, especially given the fact that nearly everyone is online these days and of those people over 70% use social media. Unfortunately where companies fall short is knowing how to properly strategize for it, luckily we’re masters of the art and with great power comes great responsibility and so it’s our duty to let you know the rules that come with good social media marketing skillz. You’re a Human Being As much as a godsend bots can be, they can also be a pain in the ass; besides, for as far as we move into the future, people still prefer talking to people. So rule number one, is BE YOURSELF (insert rainbow emoji) The goal of social media is to engage and at the end of the day, companies can’t be your friend, but people at those companies can. […]

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talonX Newsy Pieces for July

For those of you who are frequent visitors to the site, you might have noticed our recent makeover. We’re a little behind on the update (fashionably late we prefer to call it) but figured a blog post was due to give the new digs the attention it deserves. First, a shout out to our talented developers and designers for our brand new homepage! We’ve introduce a snazzy background video of our work into the mix, and if you’re lucky you’ve probably had a glimpse of our preening bird, who has some news of his own… Yes, it’s official folks, the little origami birdy we’ve all come to know and love has FINALLY been christened! By unanimous vote we’d like to officially introduce Ori to the world. Say hi Ori! In other news, our roster of services has expanded and we’re bigger, badder and radder than ever before. Check out our […]

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An Introduction to SEO

SEO or Search Engine Optimization has done a fine job of making itself a standard tool in the world of online marketing, and rightfully so. As digitally oriented people and with Google being one of the most visited sites in the world, it’s clear that search engines are the bread and butter of any marketing venture. We’ve previously discussed the importance of ranking high on search engines, but with everyone already so well educated on the value and methods of marketing themselves online, it’s become a rat’s race of sorts to get to the top (or at least on the first page). This is where SEO comes in and with a little friendly guidance on optimizing your site to the best of its ability it’s a sure shot to search engine success. Content is King We’re more than familiar with these words by now and when it comes to SEO […]

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