talonX: Flawless Design

talonX: Flawless Design

Hey everyone, we’re super pleased and excited to announce our anniversary today! We’re very proud of the growth and and all the projects we’ve worked on and created over the past year. We appreciate all of our client’s business and their varying acceptance of our crazy design ideas!

As we move toward the end of 2013 and into 2014 we’ve got some ambitious plans to grow from the world of purely digital design into print and other forms of media. We’ve already started tinkering with some very cool ideas and have delivered a few large scale projects that are outside our standard media realm. At this stage we’re ready to evolve and move into a full blown digital agency capable of handling everything from web to advertising to video. If any of our previous client liked our web work (there’s got to be at least one!) we’d be thrilled if you considered us for some of your offline marketing endeavors and give us a chance to test our mettle and see what we’ve got.

We want to thank everyone; clients, partners, friends and family (especially our moms) for helping us grow and succeed and we look forward to what’s coming next as we start to challenge the standard web world practices and enter a new era of daring, digital design.
